Friday, May 11, 2012

First Post and Mother's Day Craft

Hello my name is Tyson (Yes it is traditionally a boy's name but it is also a family last name and that is how I ended up as a girl named Tyson). I have just recently discovered the world of Teacher Blogs and I am absolutely fascinated. I can't believe that I have missed out on so much camaraderie and helpful information from fellow teachers. After stalking several blogs I have decided to create my own and I am so very excited. It will take me some time to figure out the blogging world but I am ready to start.

I teach in a small rural elementary school in North Carolina. I am just finishing up my fourth year. In the few short years I have been teaching I have taught 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. I am currently in 4th. I love my job and my school. We are truly like a family. Everyone knows everyone and their mama, cousin, and uncle. :)  

For my first post I would like to show you a Mother's Day craft my students did. My fellow 4th grade teacher and I were struggling to come up with a craft that was educational as well as cute and was appropriate for upper grade kids. We collaborated and came up with this:

First students wrote a rough draft and answered these questions:
1. Why do you love your mom?
2. How are you and your mom alike?
3. What is the best advice your mom ever gave you?
4. What is the funniest thing your mom does (has done)?

5. If you could do anything in the world for your mom, what would it be?

We went through the edit and revision process and students wrote their final copy on a piece of pretty computer paper. We then laminated them, punched two holes in the top and strung ribbon through so that they would hang. They turned out very cute and they were very low cost for us! My students are excited to give them to their mothers on Sunday. 

Didn't these turn out cute!


  1. Great first post sis! Your blog is already better than any my professors had me attempt at UGA. You can now officially call yourself a "blogger." Cool! :)

  2. Great idea! I'm sure there were some very happy mothers today!
